Our 24th A.G.M.: Were you there?
As announced in the last Newsletter, the Annual General Meeting of the Wavertree Society took place at the Royal School for the Blind on 22nd October. Unfortunately, the attendance was very disappointing. In fact those who did attend had to wait nearly half an hour before we achieved a quorum of 20 members, which is a small fraction of our total membership. Nevertheless we had a useful discussion, we were able to approve the Accounts, and to elect a new Executive Committee for the coming year. Those members who were unable to be present at the A.G.M. may obtain a copy of the Accounts by contacting our Hon.Treasurer.
The following members were elected to the Committee: David Armstrong, Sheilagh Birch, Eddie Cameron, Mike Chitty, Christina Clarke, Jim Hart, Brenda Hoatson, Susan Smith, Pat Wilkinson, John Wood and Robert Zatz.
In accordance with the usual practice, the Society's Officers will be appointed from among these at the next Committee meeting. We are sorry to have lost our Chairperson, Florence Gersten, who told the A.G.M. of her intention to take a 'sabbatical' from the Committee, but she has assured us that she will continue to assist the Society in other ways. In recognition of her 14 years' membership of the Committee, Florence was made an Honorary Life Member of the Society.