After finally rehousing the remaining tenants, the City Council obtained vacant possession of the Wavertree Gardens flats in early summer, and sold them to 'Direct Build'. For the past two years this London-based company has been anxiously waiting as the condition of the building continued to deteriorate, but they are now in the process of renovating the 72 flats for private sale. Wavertree Gardens, in the High Street, is one of the last surviving tenement blocks designed by Liverpool's first City Architect, Sir Lancelot Keay, in the 1930s.

This illustration is reproduced from the programme of the International Housing & Town Planning Congress, 1935.

Even when the City Council decides to take action against unauthorised changes within Conservation Areas, it can take a very long time for the results to become apparent. Two recent examples are the Chequers pub (ex-Barclays Bank) at 16-20 High Street and the 'Sleep in Style' showroom (ex-Roy Aitken) at 11-13 High Street. The Council refused retrospective planning applications to retain the blue glazed tiles and green profiled steel cladding, respectively, on the front elevations of these business premises. Both of the owners appealed against the Council's decision, but government planning inspectors rejected the appeals. As a result, the offending materials - which were held to be out of keeping with the Wavertree Village Conservation Area - have now been removed.

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