Mounting Opposition?

Two local groups - the Olive Mount Residents Association and the Save Olive Mount Heights Campaign - have submitted lengthy and well argued objections to the Liverpool HAT/Wimpey Homes planning application for redeveloping the Olive Mount school site (see last Newsletter). Meanwhile, the Wavertree Society has also forwarded its comments to the City Council. Among the points we made were that any housing development on the site should be on a limited scale, so as not to impinge on the recreational, visual and nature conservation value of the area - which is designated as Green Space in the Council's Unitary Development Plan. While we support the applicants' idea of a 'linear park' and new pedestrian routes across the site, we feel that the central strip of greenery in the submitted plans is much too narrow, particularly bearing in mind the HAT's proposal to fence-off the green area and to lock the gates at night. We also feel that the buildings proposed for the western (Mill Lane) and southern (Childwall Road) edges of the site are both too high and too close to the boundary for even an illusion of the existing open aspect to survive. The existing views out of the Wavertree Village Conservation Area will be harmed, as will the setting of Listed Buildings: both the historic Lock-up on the old village green and Mossfield on the corner of Childwall Road and Thingwall Road. We have questioned the need for so much new housing in Liverpool, expressed concern about the detailed layout, and also questioned who will maintain the proposed community facilities and landscaping. It may be that a public inquiry into the scheme is the only way of getting these issues debated.

The Olive Mount
as proposed
from the

(Childwall Road is at the bottom,
Mill Lane on the left and
Thingwall Road on the right)

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Olive Mount Redevelopment Scheme
- and see more pictures of what is
currently being proposed

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Page created 12 June 2002 by MRC, last updated 15 January 2003