Honouring LEN TYRER
We have recently made ex-Councillor Len Tyrer an honorary life member of the Wavertree Society. Len joined the Society very soon after its formation in 1977, and has been one of our staunchest supporters ever since. It was he who, in 1979, formally proposed the designation of Wavertree Village as a Conservation Area. Later on, as a member of Merseyside County Council, he fought to bring the Wavertree Mill site into public ownership - but was thwarted by the government's abolition of the authority. When we revived the traditional Wavertree Wakes Fayre, Len was always a regular attender. His retirement from Liverpool City Council in May 2002 was marked by tributes in the local press, and we thought it only right to add our own thanks for his many years of loyal service to the people of Wavertree.
Local History from the BBC
On 7th May the BBC launched the 'Mersey Times', a special section of its Liverpool website devoted to local history. The first area to be featured was Wavertree, and all the material - including a Quiz, the story of the
Lock-up, and memories of the Blue Coat School - was supplied by the Society. (Use the hyperlink below to read it for yourself). Meanwhile, BBC Radio Merseyside has created an Open Learning Centre at 55 Paradise Street, where anyone can learn basic computer skills free of charge - including the use of the internet to research local and family history. Phone 0151 794 0959 for details, or just drop in from 10 a.m. onwards, Monday to Saturday. For those already 'on line', the web address is www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/localhistory.
Any old PHOTOS?
The BBC Local History website includes an old photograph of Crook's Bakery in Wellington Road, with an appeal from one of Mr W.H.Crook's descendants for information about the shop and its surroundings. We are very keen to borrow pictures such as this, for inclusion in our proposed Archive Photographs publication. The pictures do not have to be very old, and we are sure that many members have a 'snap' or two recording a Wavertree scene which has changed or an aspect of local life that deserves to be remembered. If you can help, please contact our Local History Secretary (tel. 0151 428 7801) or any other Committee member. All photographs will be kept safe, and will be returned after copying.