Blue Coat plans get the Go-ahead
The Blue Coat School's planning and listed building consent applications (see last Newsletter) were approved by the City Council's Planning Committee on 6th November. We were not alone in criticising the shape and materials of the proposed extension, but the Planning Officer's view - apparently supported by English Heritage - was that 'the deliberate contrast, bold design and quality of materials proposed will make a positive statement in the street scene'. The good news is that the way is now clear for the School to seek confirmation of the long-promised government funding, and for the Trustees to seek permission from the Charity Commissioners to implement the refurbishment/conversion scheme for the remainder of the building.
... but the Planners say 'No' in Sandown Lane
An application was submitted in August 2001 to build three 'mews' type houses to the rear of 43-47 Sandown Lane. This area - one of the hidden corners of Wavertree featured in Jim Hart's slide shows - has a semi-rural character at present, which would undoubtedly be harmed by 'backland' developments of this type. Fortunately, planning permission was refused by the City Council in December.