A WETHERSPOON'S for Wavertree

The Old Police Station at 63-69 High Street - currently known as 'Cuffs' bar, and formerly 'Villa Rossa' restaurant - has been acquired by the well-known chain, J.D.Wetherspoon. Planning permission is being sought to extend the building at the rear, obliterating the former cell windows which are a reminder of the building's original use. We have objected to this aspect of the scheme, and we are hoping to persuade the company to make more of a feature of the building's history.


After a long delay - mainly, we are told, caused by the difficulty of obtaining windows in the necessary quantity - the progress of Direct Build's refurbishment scheme for Wavertree Gardens is now becoming more obvious. Part of the scaffolding which has obscured the High Street elevation has recently been removed, and the company will shortly be opening a show flat. Several former residents of the Gardens have been in touch with  ourselves and with Direct Build, and the company would like to create a 'memories board' complete with photographs of the flats as they originally were. Please contact our Local History Secretary if you are able to help.

The Blue Coat GOING GREEN?

New architects have now been appointed to finalise the plans for extending the Blue Coat School towards Holy Trinity churchyard. As a result, considerable amendments are being proposed to the original scheme. Mostly these affect the internal layout - in particular, the floor levels have been adjusted to fit better with the existing building, and the distribution of the various uses within the new extension has been improved - but there are also significant changes to the proposed external appearance.
Instead of 'natural' copper (starting golden-brown, but turning to green over a period of 15-50 years) the new architects plan to use 'pre-patinated' copper cladding, which will be green right from the start. And, to reduce the risk of damage, clay brickwork will be used in place of the copper at ground-floor level. The new sports hall - which is now to be located on the Church Road rather than the Prince Alfred Road side of the extension - will be almost entirely cedar clad (above the brick plinth) but will be largely hidden from public view owing to the slope of the ground.

We have welcomed several of these changes - notably the introduction of brickwork and the abandonment of 'natural' copper - but are unhappy at the prospect of green copper dominating the new elevations. We have suggested that 'oxidised' copper - which has a permanent dark-brown colour - should be used instead. A decision on the planning application is expected during April, with building work due to start in July.

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Page created 30 March 2002 by MRC.