The main Children's Library in William Brown Street, Liverpool has recently been revamped. One of the walls now features a giant photograph of Pye Street, Wavertree, taken by the City Engineer's Department in 1934 before the houses were demolished. Pye Street is the narrow lane which runs round the back of the old Esso petrol station, from the High Street into Prince Alfred Road.

The Central Library is planning to stage an 'Archives Awareness Day' on 20th September, and is collecting together the reminiscences of those who used to live in Pye Street (or in Bowers Buildings beyond). A 'surgery' is to be held at Wavertree Branch Library on Wednesday 23rd July, starting at 2 p.m., to receive the memories and/or photographs of former residents - and of anyone else who has a story to tell about the neighbourhood.

For further information - or if you think you may be able to help - please phone the city archivists (ask for Carol Tanner or David Stoker) on 0151 233 5817, or email our own Local History Secretary Mike Chitty

Photo © COPYRIGHT Liverpool City Council

The picture of Pye Street
(reproduced above)
shows the view from Prince Alfred Road, with a group of children many of whom were soon to move to the nearby Wavertree Gardens flats.

You can also record your
memories of Pye Street
on our 
'Wavertree Memories Message Board'

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Page created 5 July 2003 by MRC