A planning application has been submitted by Poven Developments Ltd to build a three-storey block of 11 flats opposite the Picton Clock Tower, on the corner of Church Road North and High Street, Wavertree - following demolition of the petrol filling station. But this will be no ordinary block of flats, as it will have the appearance of a row of Georgian houses complete with brick pediment and sash windows. At the rear will be a parking area for the residents of the flats, reached through an archway on the site of the existing petrol station entrance.
We know that not everyone is happy with the proposal, but, having viewed the plans, the Society's Committee feels that this is a well thought-out scheme which, provided the materials are carefully chosen, should greatly improve the appearance of this prominent corner site. The official deadline for objections was 13th January, but it may not be too late to inspect the plans and submit your comments (whether for or against the development) to the Planning Department. Phone Caroline Bates on 233 5647 for further details, quoting ref. 02F/3527.