For many months now, our Local History Secretary Mike Chitty has been working on a new book: a WAVERTREE volume of 'archive photographs'. Mike is currently making the final selection of pictures, and writing the 200 or so captions to accompany them.

As a result of previous appeals, we have received some very interesting photos - a few of which are reproduced here. But we feel sure that members of the Society - and other present or former residents of Wavertree - have other material which could be used. The pictures don't necessarily have to be very old. The important thing is that they should illustrate something which has disappeared - like a building, street scene or other aspect of Wavertree life - or a 'memorable' event which is likely to be of interest to future generations.

For the purpose of the book we are defining 'Wavertree' as the Liverpool 15 postal district. If you have - or know anyone else who has - even a single photograph or other item which may be of interest, please contact any Committee member as soon as possible, email
Mike or phone him on 0151 428 7801. Please note that we are not asking you to part with the photos: Mike will be very happy to bring his camera or scanner along to any convenient address and make copies 'on the spot'.

Church Road North
This photograph - the only one we have ever seen - was emailed from Canada by the great-great-granddaughter of a former occupant. (The building was demolished in 1898 to make way for the School for the Blind).
Do you have any photos of other houses - big or small - which no longer exist?

circa 1915
Thomas Owen - the uncle of one of our members - is in the 2nd row of desks in from the left of the picture, 3rd row back!
Do you have any similar school photos - of this or any other era?

The book of Archive Photographs has now been published.
For further details see our special web page

(More pictures on next  page)

Please contact us if you have any similar photographs which we could use

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Page created  5 January 2004 by MRC, last updated 30 July 2004