Other items from our Newsletter 155

A Public Inquiry was held in early August, to consider the plan to demolish the Welsh Presbyterian Church (Bethel Chapel) at Heathfield Road/Penny Lane and to build a large apartment block - and small replacement chapel - on the site. This Inquiry followed the City Council's decision not to grant planning permission for the scheme. The Inspector's decision is currently awaited.

Several pieces of land within Wavertree Garden Suburb have been offered for sale by auction during the past few months. Many of these areas are inaccessible former allotments, which over the years have either been abandoned or incorporated into adjacent gardens. One of the largest areas - Fieldway Green - was laid out by the original developers as a communal open space, but has now been purchased by a private individual from outside the area (who apparently wishes to use it for 'dog walking'). We wrote both to the Liverpool auctioneers and to the London property company which had offered the various pieces of land for sale, pointing out that the Garden Suburb's Conservation Area status renders many of the 'lots' effectively worthless on the open market. However, they both claimed to be acting in a professional manner and denied any wrongdoing.

Moves are afoot to display a plaque on 19 Cretan Road, Wavertree, the house which on 21st October 1926 was the birthplace of the late Leonard Rossiter. We would be very interested to hear from anyone who knew the actor as a child - or remembers his family.

We have a new web address - - and email address. General enquiries should now be sent to rather than to the old address which ended

Unfortunately there is NO NEWS of the proposed Calderstones Project (see Newsletter 154) though we will notify those who have given in their names as soon as we hear anything.

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Page created 2 September 2005 by MRC