Other items from our Newsletter 168
Several months ago now, we were invited to suggest ways of improving the area using funds from the City Council's TENS ('The Empowering Neighbourhoods Scheme') budget. We pointed to the recommendations of the Living Streets audit of Wavertree High Street, undertaken in 2005/06, which highlighted the problems of unattractive and often redundant items of street furniture which clutter our pavements, especially in the area around the Picton Clock. We drew up a list of what we considered to be the top priorities: painting or removing guardrails, replacing concrete bollards with the slimmer metal 'conservation' type, and repairing or removing various poles and bent cycle stands. Having had this work costed by the Council's contractors, Enterprise Liverpool, we found that it came to substantially more than the £5,000 which was available - so the list was further trimmed back. Finally, a list of jobs was approved, and we hope to see the work carried out by the end of this month.
Planning and listed building consent applications - ref 08F/0482 and 08L/0481 - have recently been submitted to reconstruct the west wing of the Lamb pub, which collapsed last August (Newsletter 166). The submitted drawings confirm that the building will look just as it did before, thanks to the use of reclaimed brick, sandstone and slate. We look forward to the work commencing in the near future.
Following the brief mention of the Lune in our last Newsletter, we were delighted to receive responses from two of our members. These included copies of the 'Lune Handbook' - the small calendar/notebook which was issued to the company's customers in the 1930s - some extracts from which are reproduced on our
special Lune Laundry web pages.
We hope that these pictures, advertisements and reminiscences will trigger off further memories among former employees and customers. If they do, please let us know.
See what we said about the Lune in our January 2008 Newsletter
Page created 20 March 2008 by MRC, last updated 20 Apr 2008