As mentioned in the last Newsletter, a new national body has been established to replace the former Civic Trust, and to represent and assist local civic societies like ours. It is called Civic Voice, and we are pleased to report that it has a strong North West presence. Its newly-appointed Chair is Paula Ridley (former Hon.Secretary of the Merseyside Civic Society), its Treasurer is Martin Meredith (of the Chester Civic Trust) and its administrative office - which is in Wood Street, Liverpool - is staffed by our own Committee member Ian Harvey.
All societies registered with the former Civic Trust, and others with similar aims, have been invited to join Civic Voice, and we have decided to do so, at least for its first year. The cost is £1.50 per Society member, but we shall be paying this out of our accumulated funds.
The Society's future participation in Civic Voice will be a discussion topic at our A.G.M. in October. Meanwhile the Committee has decided that our current membership subscription rate of £2 per household per annum is no longer viable, and we shall be increasing this to £3 per annum when renewal invitations are next sent out.