Many members have been asking about the Society's planned DAY EXCURSION. After much discussion we have decided to stay closer to home this year - and instead of a coach trip we are proposing a boat trip along the new stretch of canal past Liverpool's Pier Head and through the docks to the north. Another Newsletter will be issued when the arrangements have been finalised, but the trip is likely to take place on a weekday afternoon in late August.
Plans are also in hand for HERITAGE OPEN DAY. Five Wavertree attractions - St Barnabas Church, the Blue Coat School boardroom/chapel, Holy Trinity Church, the Congregational Church and the Lock-up - will all be open during the afternoon of Sunday 11th September. More details in our next Newsletter.
If you have any suggestions for FUTURE SPEAKERS who could be invited to talk to us, please contact any Committee member.
We were pleased to hear that, at the auction on 25th May, Wavertree Town Hall was purchased by a local company - T J Thomas Estates Group of Wavertree Road - who have a track record of restoring and adapting historic buildings in various parts of Liverpool. In fact they are the same people who own the Cock & Bottle pub next door to the Town Hall.
The new owners are currently considering the options for the future use of the building, with a view to submitting any necessary applications for listed building consent or planning permission. They are particularly keen to find a photograph of the rear of the building (including the old stables which became the Farriers Restaurant) as it existed prior to the 1970s.