Our next talk:

The Forgotten Man of
British Olympic History

by Robin Baynes
on Wednesday 13th November at 7.30pm
in the Olive Mount Community Centre,
Edgewell Drive, L15

John Hulley (1832-1875) was a Liverpool-born gymnastics and athletics entrepreneur who saw the benefits of public participation in sport. His grave in Smithdown Road Cemetery is inscribed with the Latin phrase 'Mens Sana in  Corpore Sano' - 'A healthy mind in a healthy body'. At his Liverpool Gymnasium in 1865 he established the National Olympian Association, the forerunner of the British Olympic Association. Between 1862 and 1867 he organised six Olympic Festivals in Liverpool and Llandudno. And in 1866 he helped organise the first National Olympian Games.

Robin Baynes MBE was born in Liverpool in 1945, became an apprentice joiner on leaving school and later started his own building company which now has an annual turnover of £4 million. In 2002 he founded the 'Liverpool Heartbeat' charity, which aims to promote healthy lifestyles in young people in an educational and entertaining way.

Robin will tell us about John Hulley's achievements, and bring the story of the Grand Liverpool Olympic Festivals of the 1860s forward to the John Hulley Liverpool Olympics Events of 2012. His aim is to give John Hulley the credit he so richly deserves.

ALL WELCOME - Admission free - Donations invited

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Location Map
of the Olive Mount Community Centre

Read about John Hulley on

Visit Ray Hulley's website - 'John Hulley - British Olympic Founder'

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