Other items from our Newsletter 196
The 37th Annual General Meeting of the Wavertree Society takes place on SUNDAY 20th OCTOBER in the Olive Mount Community Centre, Edgewell Drive, L15 8GG, starting at 2 pm. All members of the Society are encouraged to attend and to raise matters of local concern for discussion. Volunteers to help with our activities are always welcome, and nominations for election to our Committee will be invited.
On Heritage Open Day, Sunday 15th September, we opened the Lock-up to visitors for four hours (for the 20th year in succession). We asked visitors to sign a Survey Form stating whether they agreed or disagreed with our view that "it would be a good idea to fell up to 5 of the 24 trees on Wavertree Village Green to make the Lock-up more visible and to enable the grass surface of the Green to be restored".
In total, 74 people signed the 'Yes, I Agree' column and not a single person signed the 'No, I Disagree' column. We have sent the results of our survey to the City Council, and are hopeful that they will agree to draw up a scheme for the improvement of the Green as suggested in our January 2013 Newsletter 192.
Our member Stanley Fothergill was born in Wavertree Garden Suburb in 1913. Here are some more of his memories:
"Every Sunday my mother and father would take us on foot to Oakvale URC Church. We would walk down Thingwall Road, along Wavertree Nook Road onto Heywood Road and then through a cut and cross the railway line using the wooden footbridge. We crossed Edge Lane Drive to get to Oakvale URC which was at the bottom of Broadgreen Road. My father and mother were founder members of this church and inside the church Lobby on the right hand side is a framed Roll of Founder Members with their names listed. Morning service was from 11 to 12 o'clock and we went to Sunday School in the afternoon.
Later I went to the 'big' school in Dovedale Road which is off Penny Lane. When it was cold or raining we were given a penny for the tram ride, but more often than not, we would walk the 2½ miles there and 2½ miles back and spend the money on sweets! We had our school lunch at midday. We later discovered a quicker route to school across country. We got to the sports field down a cul-de-sac off Nook Rise where there were seesaws and swings.
I recall at the bottom of South Way (across Thingwall Road) was a massive corn field belonging to Mr Glover, the local farmer and at the top of South Way was a big field containing the local Gypsy's horses tethered at their two front feet. This was then an open field before the Council houses were built.
Because the Tennis Courts were at the bottom of our garden at 35 South Way we had a good view of the Rose Queen and May Queen Festivals that were held there. When I was about 10, I recall my elder sister was the May Queen and I was one of the 3 elves dressed in green .... Happy Days!"
May Queen Festival, South Way, circa 1923. Left to right Geoffrey Fothergill (as Mercury) Kathleen Fothergill (May Queen) Stanley Fothergill (Elf)
Page created 14 Oct 2013 by MRC