On 9th January, four members of the Wavertree Society's Committee met Grant Butterworth, who is the City Council's Planning Manager with overall responsibility for development control, conservation, and other aspects of local planning. We came away with an understanding of the massive financial problems with which Council departments are struggling to cope. We hope he went away with an understanding of our sense of frustration - having failed in recent months to get answers to basic questions about planning enforcement and conservation policies. Mr Butterworth acknowledged that the enthusiasm of members of civic societies such as ours needs to be harnessed, so that we can help the Planning Department achieve its aims with the much-reduced staffing levels and financial resources currently available. We offered to think about ways in which we can work together to achieve the Wavertree Society's targets for 2014 (see list on right).

Mr Butterworth encouraged us to take an active interest in the preparation of the Liverpool Local Plan, which will supersede the Unitary Development Plan that has been in force for many years now. Until the end of March 2014 the City Council is inviting comments on the content of the plan - e.g. the topics which need to be the subject of specific planning policies, and the sites which are of particular concern (either because they are in need of redevelopment or in need of protection). Further details of the Local Plan process are available on the Council's website.

1. Finalising the Wavertree Garden Suburb Conservation Area Character Appraisal, and its translation into an agreed, easy-to-understand Advisory Leaflet for householders.

2. Raising the standard of pavement maintenance within the Wavertree Village Conservation Area, so that the High Street and the upper part of Picton Road are worthy of their conservation area status.

3. Drawing up improvement plans for Wavertree Village Green, involving the felling of the five trees closest to the Lock-up so as to enhance its setting, protect it from damage and enable the restoration of the grass surface.

4. Securing the future of the Olive Mount (ex-Manweb) Sports Ground as a green space beneficial to and under the control of the local community.

Visit the Local Plan Information Page
and the Local Plan Consultation Page

on Liverpool City Council's website

Download our leaflet The Future of Wavertree Village Green

Read about the Olive Mount Sports Ground

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Page created 14 Jan 2014 by MRC