Other items from our Newsletter 209

A residents' meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th January
in the Olive Mount Community Centre, at 7.30 p.m.

Shortly before Christmas, OBWRA (the Olive Branch Wavertree Residents Association) approached the City Council to find out what progress had been made regarding the Olive Mount (ex-Manweb) Playing Fields. They were told that the Council is still intending to take legal action against the Lessees, alleging 8 breaches of the terms of the lease. OBWRA were also told that the Council's aim is "to meet the wishes of the community".

It is now more than five years since the sports ground went out of use. Its present neglected state is the direct result of the current Lessees' failure to abide by the terms of the lease (see our Newsletters 185, 199, 200, etc.) - for which they paid only £40,000 in June 2011. The Lessees have failed to come up with a viable proposal for the site's future, and if it is left in their hands there would seem to be little prospect of improvement.

OBWRA have arranged a public meeting, to update local residents on the current position and to allow people to have their say. This meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th January in the Olive Mount Community Centre, Edgewell Drive, L15 8GG, starting at 7 30 p.m.

Liverpool City Council's Strategic Green & Open Spaces Review Board - chaired by Simon O'Brien - published its long-awaited Interim Report (see our Newsletter 204) in December 2015. Copies of the report and its numerous Appendices can be downloaded from and the Council is currently inviting comments.

View our Location Map of
the Olive Mount
Community Centre

The 'Spotlight on

article was compiled by
Mike Chitty, our Local History Secretary, for a talk to the Liverpool Branch of CAMRA in July 2015. Any further information or memorabilia relating to Wavertree breweries or pubs will be very welcome.

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