Other items from our Newsletter 218


The main discussion topic at our recent A.G.M. was Wavertree High Street (including Picton Road, eastwards from Rathbone Road) and what can be done to improve its appearance and its vitality. The City Council has, over the past few years, given us various grants to be spent on local projects - including the decorative repainting of shutters, which was the subject of a special presentation in 2015/16.  What we need is the approval and involvement of local businesses, who may well have their own ideas as to how the money should be spent. Mr Tam organised a lunchtime meeting at Chillies a few weeks ago, and issued invitations to all the traders and other business owners. Sadly, however, very few came along.

If YOU run a business in the High Street area, or know anyone connected with such a business, please let us know so we can get in touch. If you'd like to help with the project in any other way - e.g. by assisting with a survey of traders' views - or if you have specific ideas for making progress, please get in touch
with us.

Our feature about the Anderson Shelter in the last Newsletter brought a bigger response than almost any other topic previously covered. Our thanks go to all those members who contacted us by email, letter or telephone with their own memories, and additional information. A selection will be published in future Newsletters, and in the 'Wavertree Memories' section of our website.

Brenda Hoatson was made an Honorary Life Member of the Society at our A.G.M. in October. She has been our Hon.Secretary since 2000. Brenda stood down this year - though she remains a member of our Committee - and we now have a new Hon.Sec., Margaret Turnbull.

Our first meeting of 2018 will be a Memorabilia Afternoon on Sunday 21st January, 2pm-4pm. The venue will be the Wavertree Garden Suburb Institute, Thingwall Road. More details in our next Newsletter.

Our LET'S TALK SHOPFRONTS discussion evening took place in January 2016

Read the Anderson Shelter article (Aug.2017) or visit our
Wavertree Memories

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Page created 11 Nov 2017 by MRC