Other items from our Newsletter 225
At our invitation, the children of Our Lady of Good Help Primary School sang carols at the Wavertree Lock-up on Monday 10th December, to coincide with the switching-on of our Christmas lights. The standard of singing was exceptionally high. We are very grateful to the children and staff who made the event possible, and to Co-op Food who provided mince pies and sweets.
Further to the article in the last Newsletter, we have now established that C&PS Ltd - lessee of the former playing fields since 2016 - is an Isle of Man company whose directors were Charles & Pauline Smith. Charles Smith, a former Liverpool scrap metal dealer, died in 2017.
We are trying to find out whether any progress has been made with the development proposal outlined in our March 2016 Newsletter (No.210). This, it would seem, was the motive for C&PS Ltd's acquisition of the lease. As yet, however, neither Liverpool City Council's Property Services department nor C&PS have responded to our enquiries.
Above: Carol singing in progress at the Lock-up, 10th December 2018
The photos (above) show the neglected state of the former Manweb Sports Ground, Thingwall Road, Wavertree, as at November 2017
Page created 22 Jan 2019 by MRC, last updated 2 Apr 2019