Our next meeting (on Zoom):

An illustrated talk by Mike Chitty on Wednesday 24th February at 7.30pm

Our second 'members only' meeting on Zoom will be a presentation by our Local History Secretary. The Wavertree Society was founded more than 40 years ago, with the primary intention of protecting the character of our 'village in the city'. This talk is a reminder of why it was (and still is) thought to be a special place. The story of Wavertree and its people reflects, to a large extent, the story of Liverpool - but in several respects it is unique. With the aid of maps and pictures old and new, Mike will explain what these features are, and how we can help protect them.

If you are a member of the Wavertree Society and have access to the internet - whether using a PC, a tablet, an iPhone or an Android mobile - you are invited to attend. The talk will start at 7.30pm and should last about an hour - with time for questions at the end. If you are interested, please email us and we'll send you the necessary link to join the meeting.

You can JOIN the Wavertree Society and pay your membership subscription online

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Page created 12 Feb 2021 by MRC