A small but enthusiastic group of members took part in our workshop session - 'The Wavertree Society: Which Way?' - on 9th June. They talked about the Society's past and future, its strengths and weaknesses, its membership and activities and, in particular, how to raise our profile as we approach the Society's 25th birthday next year. They recommended two main courses of action, both of which were endorsed by the Committee at its July meeting:
1. INCREASED PUBLICITY via local pubs, shops and other outlets. Committee members are currently on the lookout for places where we might put up a small notice-board and/or leaflet dispenser. If you have any suggestions, please let us know as soon as possible.
2. REDUCED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. We aim to reach as many people as possible with our Newsletters and meetings, and we have therefore decided to introduce, as an experiment, a flat-rate subscription of £2 per household per annum for the years 2001/02 and 2002/03. The 'company' rate (for businesses, schools, etc.) will be £5 per annum. Our aim is just to cover the cost of printing and posting Newsletters to our members. Other costs - like room hire, speakers' fees, correspondence and publicity - will be covered, we hope, by voluntary donations. Those who have already paid the previous rate of £4 (individual), £6 (family) or £10 (company) in advance for 2001/02 will be granted an extra year's membership free of charge.