An A.G.M. with a Difference
Sunday 28th October, 2 pm, at Our Lady's Parish Centre
As announced in the last Newsletter, the 25th Annual General Meeting of the Wavertree Society will be held on SUNDAY 28th OCTOBER 2001, starting at 2 p.m., in Our Lady's Parish Centre, Chesnut Grove, Liverpool 15 (just behind the Prince Alfred pub). The purpose of the meeting is to receive the Annual Report, approve the Accounts, and elect the Society's Committee for the coming year. Please do your best to attend this important meeting. Nominations for election to the Committee will be accepted on the day, or may be sent in advance to the Hon.Secretary, Brenda Hoatson, 56 Meadway, Liverpool L15 7LZ. (Candidates must be paid-up members of the Society, and must have indicated their willingness to serve on the Committee).
We hope to start promptly at 2 o'clock, because at the end of the business meeting Jim Hart will be showing more of his slides of Wavertree: this time with the emphasis on the 'Village' area and Victoria Park. Our A.G.M.s have traditionally been the occasion when ordinary members of the Society tell us what they think we should be doing over the coming twelve months; and we feel sure that Jim's 'warts and all' slides will spark off a few suggestions. Participation in the A.G.M. is, of course, restricted to paid-up members; but non-members will be very welcome to join the Society on the day, at our new 'bargain' subscription rate of £2 per household per annum.