Farewell to 'Mr Wavertree'
We were saddened to hear of the death of ex-Councillor Len Tyrer on 25th October, at the age of 82. As we reported in Newsletter 141, Len Tyrer retired from the City Council just a few months ago, having served as one of the members for Church Ward since 1976. In the summer he sent a letter of thanks to our Hon.Secretary:
'I was absolutely delighted to learn that the Society have offered me an honorary life membership - which of course I am very happy to accept. …
At my last City Council meeting, Councillor Mike Storey said I was known as Mr Wavertree'.
That is how we too will remember him.
Electoral Wards Reviewed
In September the Boundary Committee for England published its recommendations regarding Liverpool's wards. The boundaries are to be adjusted in order to make the numbers of electors more equal, and in future the city will have 30 wards instead of the present 33. We were pleased to see that a 'Wavertree' ward is now proposed, its boundaries coinciding almost exactly with the area covered by our Society within the existing Church and Picton wards. There will still be a Picton ward (west of the railway line) and also a Church ward (south of Allerton Road) - though we have suggested that the latter would be more appropriately renamed 'Calderstones' ward.
What's the Answer?
Our apologies go to those members who were unable to attend our AGM in October and who are therefore still waiting for the answers to our 25th Birthday Quiz (Newsletter 142). We intend to publish them in the New Year as a series of 'Spotlight' features within the Newsletter. If you can't wait that long, please email Mike Chitty with any specific enquiries.
And Remember …
Reprints of all our previous Spotlights are now available. They are bound into two sets of eight: 1992-94 and 1995-99, price £1 per set. Contact Sheilagh Birch for details. The book 'Discovering Historic Wavertree' is also still on sale, price £4.95 per copy - postage & packing free to members, £1 to others - from Sheilagh.