Redeveloping Olive Mount
(School site and Heights)
While this Newsletter was being drafted, we received the news that a major planning application - for the redevelopment of the land bounded by Mill Lane, Childwall Road and Thingwall Road - has been submitted by the Liverpool Housing Action Trust and Wimpey Homes. This scheme has been many months in preparation, having been referred to in our Newsletters 136 and 138. The official description, in the City Council's consultation letter, is: "to erect 237 dwellings, create a community park, replace community facilities, lay out associated network of new streets and pedestrian routes with traffic calming measures to existing street, following demolition of school, tower blocks and community facilities".
We have not yet seen the detailed plans, but they will be scrutinised by the Society's Committee at its next meeting. We shall do our best to ensure that the amenity value of the land - most of which is currently designated as 'Green Space' - is retained, and that the interests of local residents are fully taken into account. Meanwhile anyone who knows the area, or is likely to be affected by the scheme, is encouraged to view the plans - reference 02F/0792 - and send in their opinions to the Planning Department at Millennium House, 60 Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6JF, before the official deadline of 16th April. (Plans may be inspected, without appointment, in the reception area of Millennium House during normal working hours. Or phone Mr M. Morris on 0151 233 5640 for details.)
This is one of the largest and most significant development proposals seen in Wavertree during the Society's 25-year history. Make sure your voice is heard!