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Heritage Open Days 2004
Sunday 12th September
12 noon - 4 p.m.

We are once again taking part in the Civic Trust's Heritage Open Days scheme. With the kind permission of the City Council, we shall be welcoming visitors to the old Lock-up on Wavertree village green (Childwall Road/Mill Lane). As usual we shall have an information table outside, offering a range of books, pictures and tea-towels for sale.

Other local attractions:
HOLY TRINITY CHURCH will be open on Saturday 11th from 2-5 p.m., and on Sunday 12th from 12-5 p.m. There will be an exhibition of children's work on show.

The picture above shows the Lock-up as it appeared circa 1865.

Notice of A.G.M.
The 28th
of the Wavertree Society
will be held at Our Lady's Parish Centre, Chesnut Grove, Liverpool L15 on Sunday 24th October 2004, starting at 2 pm.

The main purpose of the meeting is to discuss our past and future activities, to approve the annual accounts, and to elect a Committee for the coming year. We are always on the lookout for new Committee members, so please don't be shy when we ask for nominations.

Our long-awaited book of Archive Photographs - 'WAVERTREE' by Mike Chitty and David Farmer - is now in the shops. And there is an introductory offer. The normal bookshop price is £12.99, but Londis at 10-14 High Street, Wavertree, have copies for sale at £9.99. This is also the price we shall be charging at the Lock-up (see above) and at our September and October meetings.

Read more about the new Archive Photographs book


On Saturday 2nd October, open space campaigners are holding a 'March for Parks' to ask for an end to development on Liverpool's precious public spaces. Starting from the Pier Head at noon, its destination will be Church Street. The organisers - the new Liverpool Branch of the CPRE (Campaign to Protect Rural England) - say that it will be 'a good-natured stroll' and that banners, balloons, babies and buggies will all be welcome! Further details from Pam Leadbeater on 0151 421 0305.

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Page created  8 September 2004 by MRC