When application ref.02F/3527 was submitted - to build flats on the corner of Church Road North and the High Street - we inspected the drawings, and were also sent a picture of the scheme by the architects. This was reproduced in Newsletter 145, and we include part of it - showing the new block in relation to the existing 'Clock' pub - here, alongside a photograph taken last month of the almost-completed development.

Many people, we know, are concerned about the height of the new building - but, when we complained to the Planning Department earlier this year, we received the following reply from the Enforcement Team Manager:

"The development seems to have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans. I have spoken with the architect who informs me that there have been no deviations from the original scheme neither in terms of height or scale generally".

We leave members to draw their own conclusions.

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Page created  8 September 2004 by MRC