When we decided to feature the former Smallest House in England - No.95 High Street, Wavertree - on the cover of our 2011 Calendar, we did not realise that the 'replica' façade created by Bass Taverns in 1998 was about to be destroyed. The new owners of the Cock & Bottle pub have, it seems, decided on a comprehensive makeover, including the creation of a 'sports bar' with student accommodation above. The one-time Smallest House, which has since 1952 been incorporated within the pub, has been divided off at ground-floor level in order to provide a separate entrance to the upstairs accommodation. A real doorway has been created, instead of the 'fake' doorway which the previous owners installed two decades ago, but this has been placed to the right of the original position.

On enquiring at the Planning Department, we were told that no planning application has been submitted either for the external alterations or for the change of use of the building. Having campaigned for many years in the 1980s and 90s to have the house façade restored, and having designed a plaque for the historic site which is currently awaiting installation, our Society hopes that it is not too late to remedy the situation.

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Page created 13 Feb 2011 by MRC