The Wavertree Society was founded on 18th May 1977. We have been looking through the file of old Newsletters, to find out what the Society was doing during the month of May (or thereabouts) in each of the subsequent years. How many members, we wonder, remember attending the following:

(18th May). Inaugural Meeting at the Congregational Church Schoolroom, Hunters Lane.
1978 (20th May). A walk round Wavertree with the Victorian Society.
1979 (23rd May). 'Clean-up the High Street' discussion evening.
1980 (14th May). 'Travels in the Transvaal' with Mrs Wynne Sweetman.
1981 (12th May). 'Crime Prevention' by Sergeant Hodge of Allerton Police Station.

(18th May). A Fifth Anniversary Celebration Evening at Wavertree Cricket Club.
1983 (10th May). A discussion of the proposed Wavertree Heritage Trail.
1984 (27th May). Coach trip to Ness Gardens.
1985 (23rd May). A Liverpool Quiz Night: Wavertree Society v Gateacre Society.
1986 (18th May). Coach trip to Wigan Pier.

(16th May). The Wavertree Wakes Fair: an old tradition revived to celebrate the Society's 10th birthday.
1988 (4th May). Opening of the Society's Schools Art Competition exhibition at Wavertree Library: prize-winners Peter Hartley aged 6 and Jonathan Bellis aged 10.
1989 (27th May). The third 'Wakes Fayre', with prize-winning poster by George Whitehurst aged 15.
1990 (2nd May). 'The future of Sandown Playing Field': residents' meeting.
1991 (22nd May). 'An evening with Phil from the Phil': a talk about the RLPO.

(20th May). 'Planning Liverpool in the 1990s': a talk by Mike Hayes, the City Planning Officer, to mark the Society's 15th birthday.
1993 (26th May). 'Landlife - Knowsley the Wildflower Borough' by Richard Scott.
1994 (25th May). 'The Mersey Basin Campaign' by Gwen White.
1995 (25th May). 'The proposed Asda development on the Holt site': a public meeting organised jointly with Save Open Spaces.
1996 (22nd May). 'Well Dressing in Derbyshire' by Lilian Hodgetts.

(7th May). 'Drugs in the Community' by Peter Duggan.
1998 (21st May). 'Wavertree Not-So-Long-Ago': a slide show by Mike Chitty.
1999 (16th April) 'Liverpool and its Sea Shanties' with singer Tony Molyneux.
2000 (26th April). 'Who wants Liverpool? The Work of the Liverpool Film Office'.
2001 (9th June). 'The Wavertree Society: Which Way?' - a special consultation meeting for members.

(19th June). 'The Welsh in Liverpool' by Rev Dr D Ben Rees.
2003 (30th April). 'An Evening of Transport Nostalgia' at Wavertree Town Hall.
2004 (26th May). '150 Years of Wavertree Cricket Club' at Long Lane.
2005 (21st May). Coach trip to Leeds.
2006 (3rd May). 'Joseph Williamson and his Tunnels - Revisited' by Claire Moorhead.

(30th May). 'Capital of Culture Update' by Neil Peterson.
2008 (15th June). A guided tour of the National Wildflower Centre.
2009 (15th April). 'The Liverpool Botanic Gardens' by John Edmondson.
2010 (23rd May). 'Life in Wavertree Garden Suburb' by Mike Chitty.
2011 (11th May). 'Life In and Out of Parliament' by Jane Kennedy.

suggestions for future speakers, outings and other activities. Please contact any Committee member with your ideas.

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