Part 2
Our member Stanley Fothergill was born in Wavertree Garden Suburb on 21st May 1913. Here are some more of his childhood memories:
"We had a 'rag and bone man' that took old clothes in return for blocks of salt. We also had the 'French Onion Man' coming round on his bike selling his onions. The local dairy farmer, Mr Williams, would bring his horse and cart (milk float) with churns of milk and he would measure out a quart of milk into your jug that you brought out to him. At the weekend he also delivered cream to us. I recall his son had his own farm at Tarbock. The bakers from Mill Lane would also come round in a covered horse drawn cart and I would be given a cake for running to each of the houses with the deliveries. The first school I went to was the Garden Suburb Institute in Thingwall Road and I remember having my hair cut for one penny at the barbers a bit further down from the Town Hall in Picton Road. I was taken to school by my sister on the crossbar of my father's bike."
(To be continued ... )
Stanley's sister Kathleen Fothergill was one of the Garden Suburb's May Queens in the 1920s. Stanley is the elf standing in front of her in this group photograph.