Other items from our Newsletter 195
In spite of having submitted what we considered to be a well-argued case against the proposed 'blanket' Tree Preservation Order on Wavertree Village Green (see Newsletter 193) we have been told by Council officers that they have overruled our objections and confirmed the TPO without amendment. This was done using delegated powers; in other words elected Councillors were not invited to discuss the matter.
We shall continue to argue that the 16 Norway Maples planted on the Green in the 1960s/70s are not 'heritage' trees, and they are having a damaging effect both on the Green itself and the Lock-up which is (or should be) its centrepiece.
We shall be encouraging the Council to draw up an improvement scheme - involving the felling of perhaps the 5 trees closest to the listed building - and we shall be seeking the views of visitors to the Lock-up on Heritage Open Day.
OBWRA is the Olive Branch Wavertree Residents' Association - the group formed to prepare alternative plans for the future recreational/community use of the former Manweb playing fields in Thingwall Road. OBWRA's e-Petition (see Newsletter 194) reached the required number of signatures in early June, and as a result the group was allowed to address the City Council's Regeneration Select Committee to argue the case for the Council enforcing the terms of the lease and taking action to transfer control of the sports ground from the existing private owners to a community-based organisation. Since that time the group has been meeting regularly, and working on a draft Business Plan, brochure and other publicity material setting out their ideas.
Prior to meeting the Council again with their proposals, OBWRA invited all local residents to attend a consultation session on 11th August in the Wavertree Garden Suburb Institute. OBWRA's latest plans do not exclude the possibility of some form of 'enabling' development - Council officers have indicated that it will be very difficult to fund the scheme without this - but the intention is to locate it behind the (rebuilt) clubhouse rather than on the Thingwall Road/Millstead Road frontage, and for it to consist of a type of housing (e.g. 'extra care' accommodation) which would positively benefit from the adjacent community facilities.
Both we and OBWRA participated in a 'Big Lunch' community event on the playing field on 6th June. OBWRA will be holding a fundraising event on the field on Saturday 14th September. (Look out for local publicity nearer the time).
Page created 13 Aug 2013 by MRC