. . . not yet published in our Newsletter


At the Public Consultation event held on 5th April 2013, we were disappointed to find that so little progress had been made in 12 months. The only apparent changes to the plans were the substitution of a Wainhomes housing estate (16 detached dwellings) in place of the previously proposed Care Home on the corner of Thingwall Road and Millstead Road, and the inclusion of earth mounds ('bunds') and acoustic timber fencing around the perimeter of the site to reduce the noise impact on the existing residential properties.

The Public Consultation event was held on the top floor of the former Manweb Sports & Social clubhouse. Access to the room where the exhibition was held was via a series of rubbish-strewn rooms and dark narrow staircases, hardly indicative of the 'care for the community' said to be one of the owner's concerns. Several elderly and/or disabled residents turned back and did not attend owing to the difficulty of accessing the building.

Mr Chris Chetwood (co-owner of the Lease) was present from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. He answered questions from visitors to the exhibition, and our notes on some of the questions and answers heard are set out below. The answers given did not give us confidence that the scheme had been well thought out.

Subsequent to the Public Consultation event, we obtained - via the Save Manweb Playing Field Facebook group - a copy of the Lease (30th March 1995, Liverpool City Council and Manweb plc). This states:
Clause 3(iv) on pages 4-5: "The Lessee hereby covenants with the Lessor ... To keep the whole of the demised property ... and the boundary walls and fences ... in good and tenantable repair and condition", and
Clause 3 (xxii) on page 12: "The Lessee hereby covenants with the Lessor ... To use its reasonable endeavours to keep ... any open area ... in a clean and tidy condition and free from noxious weeds deposits of materials or refuse ...".

Bearing in mind that the Lease - clause 3(xii) on page 8 - also requires the Lessee "Not at any time during the said term to use or permit the demised property or any part thereof to be used otherwise than for the purpose of sports and allied non-resident Sports Club activities", we conclude that the owners are in breach of the Lease regarding maintenance of the land, and would be in further breach if they were to sell off any part for residential development.

For the background to this Statement, see the articles in our  September 2011, October 2011, March 2012, May 2012 and September 2012 Newsletters, and our March 2013 'news extra' page.

Continued . . .

You can download a copy of the existing Lease from here

Above: The Public Consultation event, 5th April 2013

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Page created 17 Apr 2013 by MRC