The "full public consultation" which was due to take place in September/October 2014 (see our Newsletter 201) never materialised. The site lessees (Messrs Chetwood & Pearce - a.k.a. ISM) have failed to respond to our request for a statement.
At the City Council meeting held on 12th November, Councillor Jake Morrison spoke in support of a motion with regard to the Liverpool Local Plan. This motion included the proposal that "council officers ... work with local residents to redevelop the former MANWEB site in Wavertree primarily for Community Sports use". Although the motion was defeated, Mayor Joe Anderson told Cllr Morrison that he was willing to meet with OBWRA (Olive Branch Wavertree Residents' Association) to discuss their concerns and their proposals for the site. This meeting - attended by four OBWRA representatives - took place on 12th December, and the Mayor described it as "productive".
We continue to feel that the Council should be seeking to enforce the terms of the lease, as set out in our Newsletter 200. We are also hopeful that the Council's Physical Assets officers' suggestion that the Playing Fields should be designated for residential development in the Local Plan will be withdrawn. The motion eventually carried on 12th November began with the following paragraph: "Council notes with concern that, within the response to the Consultation on the Local Plan, council officers have listed a large number of sites currently used for green open space purposes as being suitable for housing development".
If you agree with us that both the Olive Mount Playing Field and the Sandown Park Playing Field should remain as Green Space, it is important that you take part in the Council's 'Post Consultation Survey' (as mentioned in Newsletter 202). To do so, visit bit.ly/LCClppcs before the closing date of 31st January - preferably after reading our guidance notes (see below).
Meanwhile, a non-party-political campaign group has been formed, under the title Save Our Green Spaces (Liverpool), and both we and OBWRA are members. For details visit www.ourground.net