1. Connect to LCC's Consultation website (click on http://bit.ly/LCClppcs )
2. The Representation you wish to comment on is a document called
LCC Physical Assets Local Plan Reg 18 Response Call for Sites Complete.pdf
- which you can download, if you wish. But it is a large document (51 pages, 105Mb file) and you may prefer to view the Wavertree Ward portions here (descriptive text) and here (map).
3. Decide whether you wish to object to the designation of the Sandown Park Playing Field or the Olive Mount Playing Field for Residential development. If you wish to object to BOTH proposals, then you can do so (either within the same survey response or by going through the survey procedure twice).
4. Click on the "Start Survey" button.
5. The next page asks two questions. Type (or copy-and-paste) your answers in the relevant boxes. Question 1 is: Which representation are you commenting on?
The answer will be LCC Physical Assets Local Plan Reg 18 Response, Site 22 Sandown Park Playing Field or Site 2 Olive Mount Playing Field (or both).
6. Question 2 is: What are your views on this representation?
This second box on the page is to hold your comments. It is important that you are aware that the purpose of the consultation is to form planning policy. Therefore any comment you make that is not considered "material" to planning matters is likely to be ignored or considered invalid. So, for example, the loss of greenspace is material to planning because it's permanent but the noise and dust of the construction of houses is not.
Please have a look at the official guidance regarding "material planning considerations", which you can download from the RTPI Planning Aid website. Those that are important to our local sites are:
Loss of amenity of social and sports use, greenspace/ openspace.
Increase in already present local flooding.
Inability of local schools to provide pupil spaces.
Unacceptable increase of traffic.
Make sure you include at least one of the above but otherwise feel free to express yourself.
7. When you have typed in your comments, click on the "Next" button and it will take you to the page where you enter your Contact Details. It is important that you fill in all the boxes, otherwise your comments will not be valid - or they may be given significantly less weight.
8. Click on the Next button and the website will present you with the information you have entered. Click on the Submit button and you have now officially made your comments.
9. It would help if you could also Click on the PDF button at the top right of the form. The website will then download a comment receipt as a PDF file to your browser. Click on the downloaded PDF file, and "Save as" to your desktop. Then please email us a copy of the PDF file - as an attachment - so we know how many of our members (and others) have responded and what they have said. If this is not possible, a simple message saying that you have made a comment would be appreciated.