One of the most controversial Wavertree planning applications of the past 40 years was discussed by the City Council's Planning Committee on 8th January. This was Application 18F/2605, to convert the former Cuff's Bar at 63-69 High Street to a 17-bed House in Multiple Occupation: 'serviced accommodation' for recovered or recovering drug/alcohol addicts and ex-prisoners. Over 500 objections were submitted by local residents and business owners, worried about the impact of the proposal on the wider area.
Our Chairman read out a statement, asking for the decision to be deferred until the advice of the Police, Probation Service and relevant professionals had been obtained. The Planning Committee decided - by 3 votes to 2, with 1 abstention - to grant permission, but only for 12 months (so as to allow the impact of the scheme to be assessed). The application will then have to be re-submitted. Also, the new UPVC windows (to which we had previously objected, as mentioned in our Newsletter 223) must be replaced by a more appropriate design within the next three months.
Here is the full text of our Statement, as distributed to members of the LCC Planning Committee on 8th January 2019
The photo (above) shows 63-69 High Street, Wavertree,
as it was in March 2017
© COPYRIGHT Mike Chitty
Page created 22 Jan 2019 by MRC