November 2020: Newsletter 233 advertises our first Zoom talk - on Liverpool & Slavery - asks questions about the former Manweb Playing Fields, and concludes our series of articles on the Boundaries of Wavertree.
July 2020: Newsletter 232 spotlights the history of 203 Picton Road, which is now the home of Love Wavertree's RELOVED shop and community hub.
May 2020: Two News Extra web pages give information about the future of the former Abbey Cinema building, as supplied to us by the Co-op and Lidl.
April 2020: Newsletter 231 celebrates the 40th birthday of the Wavertree Village Conservation Area, and has an article about 18th century Wavertree's links with the slave trade.
March 2020: A News Extra web page give information and advice about the Coronavirus Pandemic, which has caused the cancellation of all of our talks and other events until further notice.
January 2020: Newsletter 230 announces a talk about our Heritage Plaques scheme, and gives details of the latest plans for Wavertree Town Hall and the former Our Lady of Good Help church.
News Index 2020
About the Society