63-69 High Street - formerly known as the Old Police Station, or Cuffs pub - has, since last July, been 'serviced accommodation' for recovered or recovering drug/alcohol addicts. When planning permission was granted in January 2019, it was on a temporary basis (for 12 months) "to enable the Council to assess the effects of the use". This was in recognition of the large number of objections from local residents. In our own submission to the Planning Committee, we had suggested the idea of a trial period, to see whether the residents' fears were justified and to allow relevant professionals and organisations to judge whether the project's aims were being successfully achieved.

The operators - Vitality Homes - have now submitted a further planning application (ref. 20F/0715) to allow their use of the building to be continued beyond July. This includes an 'Update on Progress from February 2019 to March 2020' which has a particularly encouraging section headed 'Positive Impact on Surrounding Community'. We have not, so far, heard any significant criticism of the project, but the planning consultation process allows anyone with evidence to the contrary to make their views known. The official deadline for such comments is currently 30th April, and they should either be emailed to or submitted online via the Council's website.

One of our specific concerns, in 2018/19, related to the newly-inserted UPVC windows. These are meant to be have been replaced by replicas of the original timber sliding sashes. The Council's enforcement officer recently told us that "only 2 rooms remain to have windows installed [and] I am satisfied that … these will be done". We have asked that a condition be attached to any planning permission to ensure that this happens.

View/ download the documents submitted with planning application 20F/0715, including 'DJK Progress Update.pdf'

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