EMAIL From: Mike Chitty, To: James Kersh
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 4:14 PM
Dear Mr Kersh,
I emailed your company on 5th April asking for Fieldway Green to be withdrawn from your (then) forthcoming auction sale to avoid any chance of the land falling into the hands of a speculator/developer. However, I received no acknowledgement or reply, and understand that the land concerned was sold the following day. Are you able to tell me who the purchaser was, so that the local residents can perhaps negotiate with them with a view to transferring the land to a charitable trust or similar body?
I have also been approached by several residents regarding your latest Auction advertisement (auction date 1st June 2005) which some are interpreting as a further potential threat to the character of the Wavertree Garden Suburb Conservation Area. I am proposing to write an article on the subject for inclusion in the Wavertree Society's next Newsletter (and our website) and would be grateful for the following information:
1. Who is offering the various land parcels for sale?
2. From whom did they acquire them, and when?
3. What is contained in the 'Legal Pack' for which you are inviting prospective purchasers to pay £25 in advance of the sale?
4. What checks has your company carried out to ensure that the Lots are correctly described, and that the vendor has the right to sell them?
5. Have you advised, and/or will you be advising, prospective purchasers that Wavertree Garden Suburb is a Conservation Area and that there is no chance of planning permission for development being granted?
I do not personally have any financial interest in this matter, but I have studied the history of Wavertree - and the Garden Suburb in particular - for many years and maintain a website at http://www.liverpool.ndo.co.uk/wgs to promote public interest in its history and conservation. I am also a former resident of the area, and happen to know that your sales particulars are not entirely accurate.
Your forthcoming Lot 14, for example, described as "Land to the north of the gardens of 163 to 175 Thingwall Road L15 . not subject to a lease" includes what used to be my side garden when I lived at 26 Fieldway. I still have a photocopy of the deed proving that it is the subject of a 999-year lease. I am sure that a simple check with the Land Registry would confirm this.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Chitty
(Newsletter Editor & Local History Secretary, The Wavertree Society)