Our 45th A.G.M. and changes to the constitution

At the recent A.G.M. held in November we are delighted to report we had 25 members present and therefore the AGM went ahead.

Robert Zatz the Chair welcomed everyone and went through the proceedings. He stated that this was the first ever A.G.M. in 45 years without Mike Chitty, following his death in June. The phenomenal amount of work Mike did for us was emphasised. Also the challenges we have in not being able to access Mike’s computer for login and password links to our digital communications.

The chair thanked all the committee for their hard work to keep the society going in challenging times. Especially the two new members Laurence Sidorczuk and John Farmer. A resume of the year’s activities were read out and Robert appealed for new members to join the committee as we are down to a bare

Colin Pyle our treasurer presented the accounts which are still healthy and even showed a small profit over the year. Colin ‘s work was made even more difficult, as again Mike Chitty usually produced intricate auditing spreadsheets detailing every item. We are indebted to Colin for being able to present the accounts to the members present.

John Farmer outlined the changes to our constitution which we believe are required for the successful current running of the society. The main ones being deleting Woolton Road and Green Lane from our area of interest, cutting the number of members form 20 to 10 to make future A.G.Ms and E.G.Ms quorate, allowing 3 instead of 2 committee members to live outside our area and the executive will now require only 5 committee members present to make our committee meetings quorate.

All the recommendations were passed by the members present. After the formal proceedings, there was a lively discussion on how best to honour Mike Chitty in the name of the society he
loved so much.

Various ideas were put forward, from a naming of a street or thoroughfare, an App that would take visitors around our historic area with the important buildings described, naming of a building on the High Street after Mike? All these and more will be discussed by the committee and reported back to our

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