Trees around the Lock Up

The 5 trees surrounding the lock up are still causing problems to the building with roots and overhang and do need removing. Our previous tree application has now expired and we have to re-apply, we have been told that this should not be a problem as there will be no change to the application which was previously approved.

Once we get approval, we will scrutinise the quotes and process the essential work to commence. These trees were planted over thirty years ago by the council, and indeed some of them are the wrong type, American Plain, and should never had been planted even as saplings initially.

We do not want to fell trees from our environment but removing the five trees will save the danger to the Lock Up. We aim to replace these five trees elsewhere in the area.


  1. Hi I follow a inspiring YouTuber from the Wavertree area and he’s recently done a short clip of the history of the small prison at the wavertree clock , his channel is called the all or nothing podcast if you want to view his channel,
    I’m asking if possible would yourself or one of your members allow him access to continue the video for all viewers to see the inside as it would be great history shared and brilliant content as a lot of people are commenting on they would love to see including myself, I hope this finds you’s well and im looking forward to your response and we would also donate towards the society kind regards Craig

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