Other items from our Newsletter 230
The 'Love Wavertree' campaign has gone from strength to strength since it began in the summer of 2019. It has entered the New Year with ambitious plans for High Street improvements and further local events. For all the latest information, follow @LoveWavertree on Twitter, or ask to join its WhatsApp group. For details email LoveWavertree@gmail.com
The first big event planned for 2020 is a 'Wavertree Beatles Weekender' on 22nd-23rd February (commemorating what would have been Wavertree-born George Harrison's 77th birthday).
If you haven't yet got one of our Wavertree Calendars for 2020 - or you'd like another one, perhaps to cut out the Desmond Ross colour prints for framing - please note that the remaining stocks will be on sale at our meeting on 9th February. They may also be available from our designated retail outlets - Papa's Cafe and the Prince Alfred pub - as well as from our Sales Officer Sheilagh Birch.
We and the artist have been delighted by the response, and jointly intend to produce another one for next year. We are also hopeful that there will be a local exhibition of Desmond Ross's original paintings within the next few months. Details will be given as soon as the arrangements have been finalised.
READ MORE ABOUT THE CALENDAR elsewhere on our website:
"Announcing Our Wavertree Calendar for 2020" (Oct.2019, Nov.2019)
READ MORE ABOUT DESMOND ROSS on our special Calendar Sales web page
View our Location Map of the Olive Mount Community Centre, where most of our meetings (but NOT the January 2020 talk) are held
Page created 27 Jan 2020 by MRC